Not preaching and parroting but living the thoughts, communicates the intensity of truth that can inspire, enrich, enliven and change lives. This is what the latest book You Are Unique, written by Former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam does. Dr Kalam lives these thoughts and shows the way to individuals and organisations to be unique and create an impact on the world.

You Are Unique, published by Punya Publishing was formally presented to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in Bangalore, who was beaming with happiness seeing the book.

Dr Kalam writes in the book, that world is transformed by those who “walked into the unexplored path and strived to be unique.” The human challenge is to fight the hardest battle of life till one arrives one’s Unique self because “the world around you is trying its best to make you just everyone else.” The book is divided into three parts developing Your Unique Self that will lead to Creative Leadership and then throws light on the Future Perspective.

The purest thoughts of Dr Kalam, in which he relates to all living and non-living objects effortlessly come out of him as poems. Poems focus on the message of relating with other beings and giving. A section of these poems is artistically presented in colour and on art paper in the book with paintings by Neha Gouse as - Music From My Heart.

This book is brought out in such a way as if Dr Kalam is talking to you answering your questions about life, work, management, institutions. Holding your hand it leads you without preaching, saying, this happened with me as well, and I did this, would these simple experiences help you getting answers for your life and achieving success? No other modern teacher of life emphasises so much on developing one's inner self, core of ones being and righteousness as does Dr A P J Abdul Kalam in You Are Unique.

"Every book that we produce should be a reader’s joy. Attractive paintings depicting some selected and relevant poems of Dr Kalam interspersed with meaningful flow diagrams in the book, create a new genre in book publication. You Are Unique like our life is an ideal and fascinating balance of head and heart. Logic and art going hand in hand create an attractive and meaningful web that inspires for a balanced life. You Are Unique is our second book of Dr Kalam, first being the award winningThe Luminous Sparks. Punya Publishing is extremely fortunate to have brought out these two path-breaking books.” Said Dr Poonam S Kohli, editor and publisher of the book.

A decade-old publishing house, Punya publishing has gone from strength to strength Publishing several textbooks along with publishing trade books and providing publishing services. Punya is giving new direction in education through bringing out attractive but moderately priced textbooks with a focus on holistic development of children. Based on the educational research of its Director Dr Poonam S Kohli, each textbook teaches Life skills, Creative thinking and Learning skills to cater to the needs of 21st century child. Punya Educational and Research Services under it conducts teacher orientation and training programs in schools. Sensitive to the needs of society, especially of the metropolitan cities, Punya Publishing is starting a counselling programme of You Are Unique so that young people feeling defeated and desolate should identify their potential and treat human life as a precious gift not to be thrown away impulsively.

The book is priced at Rs. 285/-